The FACT Board governs a network of Community Partnerships around the state. FACT works at the Policy Level to bring attention to the local needs and issues identified by Community Partnerships and to support their efforts by managing funding streams and recruiting public and private partners. FACT is a non-profit corporation with nineteen members drawn from the top leadership in state government and the private sector. It governs the work of the twenty community partnerships across the state.
The mission of the Family and Community Trust, and its board, is to promote and support effective public/private partnerships and community involvement to develop innovative solutions to achieve Missouri's vision for improving the lives of children and families. Funding to support this work comes from the state legislature through the Department of Social Services and is a combination of general revenue and matching federal dollars.
There are currently twenty Community Partnerships across Missouri. These non-profit organizations work in concert with local, state and federal partners to implement effective community strategies to meet local needs.
- is accountable for achieving results
- brings services closer to families and children
- involves communities in the decisions that affect their well-being
- uses dollars more flexibly and effectively to meet local needs