

Vice President

BIO: Brian Kinkade is the Vice President of Children’s Health and Medicaid Advocacy with the Missouri Hospital Association (MHA). Brian advocates for Missouri hospitals on matters of Medicaid law, regulation and policy at the state and federal level and serves as MHA’s primary liaison to the state’s freestanding children’s hospitals on these matters.

Brian joined the MHA after retiring from a thirty-year career with Missouri state government as Director of the Department of Social Services (DSS), a position he held for five years during the administration of Governor Jeremiah (Jay) Nixon. DSS is diverse agency with a broad mission to improve the lives of Missouri’s vulnerable citizens by providing Medicaid health care coverage and income support assistance for low-income families, protective services and therapeutic care for abused and neglected children and rehabilitative services for delinquent youth. Before being appointed DSS Department Director, Brian served as the department’s Deputy Director, Director of Budget and Finance and Director of Child Support Enforcement. Brian also served as Executive Director for the Missouri Public Service Commission.

Brian holds BSBA and MA degrees in economics from the University of Missouri-Columbia.

COMPANY: Missouri Hospital Association
LOCATION: Jefferson City