Unanticipated School Closures
There are many reasons a school may experience an unanticipated closure: a declared state of emergency, weather-related incidents, facility failure, etc. School food authorities and community organizations can leverage federal child nutrition programs during times of closure to ensure kids have access to nutritious meals. The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) provide organizations the ability to serve reimbursable meals to kids in their community, for free.
Organizations who were SFSP or SSO sponsors in previous summers may be eligible to apply to operate SFSP or SSO programs during periods of unanticipated school closure. Organizations are encouraged to contact the appropriate state agencies for additional information.
Child Nutrition Program Options
School Food Authorities may act as sponsors of SSO. In Missouri, this program is administered by the [LINK]Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) [url: https://dese.mo.gov/].
School Food Authorities, local government agencies, colleges and universities, and non-profit and faith-based organizations may act as sponsors of SFSP. In Missouri, this program is administered by the [LINK]Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Community Food and Nutrition Assistance (DHSS CFNA) [url: https://health.mo.gov/living/wellness/nutrition/foodprograms/].
To serve free meals to all children, SFSP and SSO meal sites must be located within the attendance area of a school, or in a geographic area defined by census data, where 50% or more of the children qualify for free or reduced-price meals (unless otherwise directed by national emergency declaration).
Both programs require a state agency application and oversight.
Covid-19 Specific Waivers
The state of Missouri has received waivers from the USDA expanding flexibilities for SFSP and SSO program sponsors.
The waiver allows all participating SFSP and SSO sponsoring organizations the option to serve meals during unanticipated school closures related to a public health emergency in a non-congregate setting and at school sites.
DESE Memo: SFSP & SSO waiver information
Covid-19 Specific
MO DESE Coronavirus (Covid-19) Information
MO DESE Covid-19 School Closures & USDA Waivers FAQ
Resource for organizations not eligible to run SFSP or SSO
MO DESE Using USDA Foods During an Emergency
Funding Assistance
No Kid Hungry/Share Our Strength grant request form
Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
Seamless Summer Option (SSO)
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